The Knowledge Economy
It’s the first economy in the world. Knowledge and know-how exchanges precede objects and materials
What are the properties of the knowledge economy?
Knowledge is abundant and reproduces quickly, very quickly
The doubling curve of knowledge
Buckminster Fuller created the “knowledge multiplication curve”. He says that until the 1900s human knowledge doubled about every 100 years. At the end of the Second World War, knowledge doubled every 25 years. Today things are not as simple because several types of knowledge have different growth rates. For example, knowledge in nanotechnology doubles every 2 years and clinical knowledge every 18 months. In Myenne the knowledge of humans doubles every 13 months. According to IBM, the emergence of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) will lead to a doubling of knowledge every 12 hours ….
Understanding the Data Deluge: Comparison of Scale With Physical Objects (Infographic created by Julian Carver of Seradigm in New Zealand
Knowledge is Collegial
The best example of this statement: Wikipedia
Statistics that turn heads for France. See the graphics
A global footprint – in 2016
138 Languages
23 million items
1.9 million contributors per month on average
10,000 new contributors every month
6700 new items every day
The rules of exchange in the knowledge economy – simple and surprising
Different sources for this content
Exchanges are positive sum
In the material economy, when I give you something it no longer belongs to me
In the knowledge economy, when I give you knowledge or information, it still belongs to me
The exchanges are not linear
In the material economy, 1 apple + 1 apple = 2 apples
In the knowledge economy, 1 idea + 1 idea = 3 or more ideas! the association of ideas or knowledge gives rise to new ideas. The combination of knowledge will always be greater than their sum.
Exchanges are not instant
In the material economy, the acquisition of goods is fast. A few clicks on the web or a credit card pin code. It can be a compulsive act if you have the money to buy it.
In the knowledge economy, acquiring knowledge takes time and requires attention. Acquiring knowledge requires efforts of concentration and time. it is a deliberate act.
– Collective knowledge will always be superior to individual knowledge
– A shared solution is enriched and opens the way to new ways of doing or thinking
– We don’t reinvent the wheel, we recyle, we reuse, we collectively improve
Satisfaction and Loyalty
– Client
– Employees
– From the company
– Analysis of the consumption of knowledge internally and by customers reveals their difficulties and therefore your areas of improvement for your products.
What are my clients’ expectations?
These issues are recurrent and this is good news!
¤Several companies have worked on it and answered the question: “How can I share what I know, as quickly as possible with as many people as possible?” ”
The classic business issues encountered are:
– Growth
– Margin
– Differentiate from the competition
– Internationalization
– Team development
– Resignation and loss of knowledge
The service issues that are reported to us are generally
– More demand, more complexity
– The existence of knowledge silos
– Lack of collaboration
– The time taken by employees to develop their skills
– The desire to have employees with more and more expertise
– Response time, Backlog…
– Improvement and management of the relationship with its customers
– Control and optimization of service costs
What benefits will my company derive from it?
“Knowledge” the value of a Service organization
Create wealth in the company
Ability: Go faster in realization, employee development
Striking force: Available for new problems
Intelligence: Understanding customers’ technical difficulties
Innovation: Smart & Connected Products
Differentiation: From your competitors